How to celebrate Christmas at home

How will you be celebrating Christmas? This question is thrown a lot around this time of the year. Almost every time, we scramble for answers because we just don’t know what to say. People expect each other to have the most special, spectacular time around the Christmas holidays and you feel like you should have one too. You hear plans from family and friends but nothing is set in stone yet. You kind of don’t want to do things similarly as in the past. You are stuck in this Christmas limbo and you want to snap out of it.
Here are our suggestions to make this Christmas your best one ever:

Have a fancy Christmas dinner out with friends
Bust out your formal wear and dress up to have dinner at a high-end restaurant with friends. Coordinate outfits so everyone looks good on the Instagram pictures later. This is a departure from the wild nights your group used to have but this gathering is a Christmas special, one that will be remembered by everyone in the years to come.

Give back to the community
Make others feel happy by giving back to the community. There are multiple ways to help out around the holidays, you can volunteer at a food bank or buy or wrap gifts for others. There are lots of choices, just make sure to be on the lookout for postings everywhere.

Sing Christmas karaoke with your family
When with family, put the phone down as much as possible and create beautiful memories together. One fun way is to sing Christmas songs and have a little friendly competition with everyone. This will bring both the young ones and the adults together.

Go to a lights show with your significant other
Enjoy a simple but romantic evening stroll with your partner. Surely, there will be a big Christmas light display or installation in your city so don’t miss out. But honestly, we hope there’s a Christmas bazaar or market too so you can munch on street food while enjoying the surroundings.

Bake Santa cookies for your neighbours
Break the ice with your neighbours by making Christmas-themed cookies from scratch. Don’t even try to make them look all perfect. It’s actually nice if they can tell you made it yourself. You can now finally have a conversation starter when you hand the cookies to them.
If you want this year’s Christmas to be different, you have to do it differently. We know Miss ‘Rona is still around but the world is now healing from it. Our idea for this Christmas is “responsible socialising.” It’s time to break out of hibernation mode and get your social skills moving. From all the inner work from the isolation, it’s now time to put yourself out there again. Your soul deserves to feel joy and have fun this Christmas season.
Are you now decided on what you will be doing for Christmas? Let us know in the comments.