The 5-day love yourself challenge

It’s easy to forget about your personal well-being. With the demands at home or at work, it’s rather almost automatic for you to focus your energy on getting things done and working hard toward achieving your goals.
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, forgetting about taking care of yourself in your journey toward achieving your dreams and fulfilling your duties at home might be detrimental to your mental and emotional health.
Did you know that neglecting to take care of yourself may eventually cause unhappiness and inability to function properly? Instead of being motivated to reach your full potential, you end up cranky, irritable, and unproductive.
That is why it is important for you, once in a while, to pause and just reflect on your life. Don’t forget to take some time off to discover yourself and know the true you. Don’t push yourself too hard when you know you can’t do it anymore. There’s nothing wrong with stopping so long as you don’t quit.
Not sure how to start your self-love journey? Try our 5-day love yourself a challenge.
Write one thing special about you.
It’s good to remind yourself of the amazing person that you are. Do that by jotting down one or a few good traits about you. Are you that caring friend who’ll go out of your way to comfort a friend? Do you cook the best lasagna? Are you a good dancer?
If you’re having a hard time thinking about what is special about you, just remember the common things that your loved ones say about you. And whenever you’re having a bad day, go back to your scribbling and re-read your notes.
Listen to your favourite happiness playlist.
To give yourself a boost, listen to some good tunes. You can scour through Spotify and turn the volume up to. Dance to some happy beats to start your day.
Remember, music has amazing healing powers. Why not take advantage of it?
Affirm yourself!
Repeating a positive statement every single day will attract positive things in your life. Look yourself at the mirror and say a mantra out loud. This exercise may sound simple but it actually has a profound impact on your subconscious, helping you stay away from negativity and achieve your dreams.
Enjoy a good meal. Better yet, make it yourself!
There’s nothing more comforting than eating your favourite food. If you’re feeling a little stressed, whip yourself a good meal or call your neighbourhood diner to get some pizza and ice cream delivered.
You’ll definitely feel a lot better in no time!
Practice mindfulness.
Being mindful means being aware of yourself, how you react, and the surroundings around you. Take the time to find a quiet space, sit down, and close your eyes. Breathe in and breathe out. Focus only on your breathing and not think about anything else.
Watch this video and get started on our 5-day love yourself a challenge.
Take note of these tips and you’ll be on your way to loving yourself more.
If you need a self-care support group, join us at today.