Travelling in the new normal

Travelling has become a major concern in the time of COVID-19. Although there are still many restrictions, some places have cautiously re-opened. This begs the question – how do you safely explore during a pandemic? Here are some tips to think about when travelling in the new normal.

Avoid crowded destinations
Whatever people may have told you about the virus, you must trust the scientists first and foremost. What exactly are they saying? Well, they’re saying that the virus is still here; that there is neither a cure nor a vaccine and that it is still as potent and as deadly as before. If you want to travel, skip the parties and the people. Choose destinations with lesser crowds. The lesser interaction, the safer you are.

Use your personal vehicle if you can
Flying might pose its unique challenges, but it is not possible. Make sure you check with your airline of choice regarding restrictions. However, if you can drive where you need to go, that would be best. Being alone in the car or limiting the number of passengers among loved ones significantly lowers the potential for exposure. Having your own vehicle is a sure-fire exposure deterrent. Make sure you properly disinfect your vehicle before you go on your road trip.

Don’t forget the so-called pandemic essentials
Face mask? Check. Hand sanitiser? Check. Multivitamins to boost your immune system? Check. Never ever travel without them. While there is no full-proof gear to protect yourself from getting infected, this further lowers the risk of potential exposure while you are out and about.

Choose more nature trips where you can breathe fresh air.
You might want to skip exploring the urban jungle. Nature trips where there are not too many people should be your idea of a getaway. The pandemic, while tragic and devastating, has given us pause. Let us take this time to commune with Mother Earth and enjoy the beauty of nature that we may have often overlooked.

Travelling in the new normal is entirely possible if we follow our very own self-imposed protocol. By following these tips, we can enjoy the outdoors again without risking our health and the health of others.

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